Pancreatic Cancer Canada

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Newsletter - March 2014


Pansies for Pancreatic Cancer

Pansies in the spring symbolize HOPE for all those diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. This awareness campaign expanded to 9 cities last year and we are looking for volunteers to help grow this campaign in their community.

For more information, you can email us at 

 Fight tshirt rev

Help us Fight Pancreatic Cancer

Each year, individuals across the country create on-line fundraising and tribute pages to raise important research dollars for pancreatic cancer.

In 2013, nearly $300,000 was raised on-line and we would like to salute our Top Fundraisers

Your support truly makes a difference ... thank you.


Knowledge is Power

In an ongoing effort to provide comprehensive information and support to patients, family members and caregivers, PCC introduced the 1st Annual Gloria Pearl Educational Symposium in Toronto on November 2nd, 2013. 

Learn the latest on pancreatic cancer from experts in the field and listen to survivor experiences. Thanks to an educational grant from Celgene, we are able to provide video coverage from this symposim and will be launching webinars and expanding this format to major cancer centres. Learn more...

lauren Clarfield

Raising awareness when it is personal

Realizing how incredibly lucky she was to have her father cancer-free and a 5-year pancreatic cancer survivor, 17-year old Lauren Clarfield created Compete for the Cure, a one-day dodgeball and basketball charity tournament for high school students. Lauren felt this was a unique way to get our youth involved in fundraising.

To date, this event has grossed $80,000 and donations are still coming in to support this young lady’s incredible vision and tribute to her dad. Read her story.


Champions of HOPE

Corporate support is critical in furthering and strengthening our mission.

We wish to acknowledge the following organizations for their leadership and outstanding support of our mission in 2013:

ATCO EPIC Program, Gamma-Dynacare Medical Laboratories, Tempur-Pedic Canada, Ipsos Reid
and Celgene Inc. 


Donate to Fund Progress

Every dollar you give makes a difference in the fight against pancreatic cancer. By targeting the best and most relevant research in Canada, we move one step closer to finding a cure.

See how your dollars are impacting innovative research into better diagnostics, treatments and improved patient outcomes.

 ottawa walkwalk

Taking steps toward finding a cure

Walk or run to honour a loved one and make a difference in the fight against pancreatic cancer.

We invite you to 'lace it up' for pancreatic cancer by registering with one of the following PCC supported events:

PCC Purple Team 2014 The Ottawa Hospital’s Run for a Reason in Ottawa - May 25

PCC Purple Team of HOPE or create your own team to honour a loved one Princess Margaret Cancer Centre’s Run Walk 5K - June 22nd

Kathy’s Run in Edmonton has raised over $150,000 and is Western Canada’s only dedicated walk for pancreatic cancer research.- October 18th


 sandy bruce

Challenge Yourself

If you are thinking of taking on a personal challenge this year, consider competing in a Half or Full Marathon.

Sandy (L) sent us a letter to post on our website in hopes that others might be inspired to take the challenge:

"It was an honour to run this marathon in memory of my Dad, but I was even more inspired by the stories of others and to learn that I was directly helping so many people." 

Click here for information on how you can get started and to see a list of upcoming marathons across Canada.. 

Sindy Hooper Running

Real Heroes in our Midst

Sindy Hooper has inspired thousands with her "believe anything is possible" motto.

In January 2013, Sindy was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and underwent the whippple surgery. She used her training to get through the overwhelming days and to raise awareness of this little known disease.

In August 2013, Sindy defied the odds and completed the Ironman Competition in Whistler.

Read her story and the stories of others who continue to inspire us


New - Visit our On-line Store

You can now shop on-line. Check out our new line of jewellry called Keys to the Cure. We also feature our signature items such as our FIGHT cotton and wicking t-shirts, caps and much more!

If you have any suggestions as to what we should carry in our store, please email us at


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